Early Education Programs Overview
You face big decisions as a parent. None bigger than early education. Parents know that at Gold Valley Daycare & OSC in Leduc we make it our passion to nurture a sense of discovery, joy, and wonder in every child. We guide them on this road to discovery with our research-based standards and assessments along six developmental domains:
1. Language and Literacy Development:
Involves children’s abilities to convey their ideas, thoughts, and feelings through speaking and writing, and their ability to demonstrate early reading skills.
2. Executive Function:
Focuses on the development of skills necessary for learning, such as self-regulation, attention, and persistence.
3. Social and Emotional Development:
Supports your child’s ability to express and regulate feelings and develop relations with others.
4. Physical Development and Wellness:
Gives your child opportunities to build large- and small-muscle skills, strength, stamina, and knowledge needed to live a healthy lifestyle.
5. Cognitive Development:
Supports the mental processes needed to think, make sense of the world, and understand knowledge across different subjects, including mathematics, science, and social studies.
6. Creative Expression:
Helps your child creatively explore the arts, movement, drama, and music.